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Webinar on Addiction

About Webinar

Conference Series LLC Ltd is delighted to invite the Scientists, Physiotherapists,Doctors, researchers & experts from the arena of Drug Addiction,to attend 4th Webinar on Addiction and Drug Abuse on August 27, 2022. WEBINAR ON ADDICTION is a specially designed cluster conference which consists of keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, Workshops, Panel Discussions and Exhibitions, Young Researcher Forums (YRF), Best Poster Award, Industry academic interactive sessions, and Industry Presentations etc.

Why to attend?

WEBINAR ON ADDICTION aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Drug Addiction. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Drug addiction.We welcome all interested participants to join us for our conference on Addiction and Drug Abuse.

Our Webinar will provide a perfect platform to enlighten knowledge through:

  • Innovative talks by the experts of the global scientific community
  • Sterling workshop and sessions
  • Remarkable Awards and Global Recognition to meritorious Researchers
  • Global Networking with 50+ Countries across the globe
  • Novel Techniques to Benefit Your Research
  • Global Business and Networking Opportunities
  • Exquisite Platform for showcasing your products and International Sponsorship

Targeted Audience:

  • Rehabilitation Professionals
  • Rehabilitation therapist
  • Directors of companies in the field of Rehabilitation
  • Leading scientists
  • Professors
  • Researchers, CEOs
  • Business Delegates
  • Doctors
  • Young research scientists
  • Medical Colleges
  • Healthcare professionals
  • Founders and Employees of the related companies
  • Clinical investigators

Conference Highlights:

  • Drug Addiction
  • Rehabilitation
  • Physiotherapy
  • Addiction treatment
  • Addiction and Rehabilitation Therapy

Scientific Sessions

Session 1: Drug addiction

Drug addiction is a complex neurobiological infection that requires coordinated therapy of the brain, body, and soul. It is viewed as a mind sickness since drugs change the cerebrum they change its structure and how it functions. Without treatment, these mind changes can be durable. Habit is constant, it is reformist, and whenever left untreated, it very well may be lethal. People battling with illicit drug use regularly feel like they can't work typically without their medication of decision. 

Session 2Drug Rehabilitation

Drug rehabilitation is the cycle of clinical or psychotherapeutic treatment for reliance on psychoactive substances, for example, liquor, physician endorsed medications, and road medications, for example, cannabis, cocaine, heroin or amphetamines. The overall purpose is to empower the patient to defy substance reliance, if present, and stop substance maltreatment to evade the mental, legitimate, monetary, social, and actual outcomes that can be caused, particularly by outrageous maltreatment.

Session 3 : Addiction Therapy

Treating Addiction includes significantly more than Source simply not utilizing substances. (Recovery) programs give fixation treatment in both individual and gathering designs, and use an assortment of restorative strategies. Huge numbers of these strategies include intellectual and conduct segments pointed toward lessening undesired practices and advancing positive, solid, and calm practices. Fixation recovery treatment can be given in an inpatient or outpatient treatment setting.

Session 4Addiction Medicine

Addiction medicine is a clinical subspecialty that manages the diagnosis, prevention, evaluation, treatment, and recuperation of people with enslavement, of those with substance-related and addictive problems, and of individuals who show unfortunate utilization of substances including liquor, nicotine, professionally prescribed medication and other unlawful and licit medications. The clinical subspecialty frequently gets over into different regions, since different parts of habit fall inside the fields of general wellbeing, brain research, social work, psychological well-being advising, psychiatry, and inward medication, among others.

Session 5Addiction Rehabilitation and Therapy

Addiction treatment regularly comprises of a blend of gathering and individual treatment meetings that attention on showing those in recuperation the abilities expected to get and remain calm just as how to explore different circumstances without going to drugs or alcohol. Behavioral treatment is maybe the most ordinarily used treatment segment utilized during substance recovery. An overall conduct remedial methodology has been adjusted into an assortment of powerful techniques.

Market Analysis

  • The Drug Addiction Treatment Market is projected to grow at a rate of 7.0% in terms of value, from USD 17.65 Billion in 2019 to reach USD 31.17 Billion by 2027. Drug addiction is also known as substance use disorder. The severity of the condition is observable from the fact that, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, in the US, approximately 8.1% of the total population either regularly receive or need treatment for substance use disorders. By Drug Type, the Marijuana segment is projected to witness the fastest growth rate of 7.8% during the forecast period and is expected to hold 14.9% of the market by 2027.
  • By treatment, the Detoxification segment held the largest market share of 49.0% in 2018 and is likely to have a growth rate of 6.4% during the forecast period.
  • By End-user, the Residential treatment centers (non-hospital) segment is projected to witness the fastest CAGR of 7.4% during the forecast period and is expected to occupy 31.0% of the market by 2027.
  • The Asia Pacific region is projected to witness the fastest growth rate of 8.2% during the forecast



To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date August 27-27, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

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